However, in this example, you have only one input card and one output card, so you can leave the rest of the tabs as default. 然而在本例中,您只有一个输入卡和一个输出卡,因次您可以让选项卡中的其余部分保留默认设置。
Limiting ourselves to nets with no hidden nodes, but possibly having more than one output node, let p be an element in a training set, and t ( p, n) be the corresponding target of output node n. 将我们的网络限制为没有隐藏节点,但是可能会有不止一个的输出节点,设p是一组培训中的一个元素,t(p,n)是相应的输出节点n的目标。
One output object will be created for each output format specified in the outputFormat run option. 将为outputFormat运行选项中指定的每个输出格式创建一个output对象。
This example added a Web service named "ws_visa_valid" with three input parameters and one output parameter. 这个示例添加一个名为wsvisavalid的Web服务,此服务有三个输入参数和一个输出参数。
When an activity executes, it produces all outputs of exactly one output criterion. 当活动执行时,它将正好产生一个输入条件的所有输出。
It also assumes that you have a basic understanding of WebSphere TX and that you know how to create a simple WebSphere TX map with one input and one output card. 本文还假定您拥有WebSphereTX基础知识,了解如何使用“一个输入、一个输出卡(oneinputandoneoutputcard)”创建简单的WebSphereTX数据图。
Please note that this procedure has one input and one output parameter. 请注意,这个存储过程有一个输入参数和一个输出参数。
In this case, specify the value to indicate that the service receives one input message the request for the book list and sends one output message the book list. 在此例中,请指定值,以指示该服务接收一个输入消息图书列表请求并发送一个输出消息图书列表。
A simple decision has one incoming branch with one input and two outgoing branches with one output each. 简单的决策有一个包含一个输入的引入分支和两个各包含一个输出的外出分支。
Add a request and response operation with one input and one output to the above interface as shown below. 如下所示,向上述接口添加具有一个输入和一个输出的请求与响应操作。
The service interface describes one input parameter, of type xsd: string, and one output parameter. 此服务接口描述一个xsd:string类型的输入参数和一个输出参数。
This model can be as easy as one input variable and one output variable ( called a Scatter diagram in Excel, or an XYDiagram in OpenOffice. org). 此模型可以简单到只有一个输入变量和一个输出变量(在Excel中称为Scatter图形,或OpenOffice.org内的XYDiagram)。
Only one input criterion and one output criterion are supported. 仅支持一个输入标准和一个输出标准。
For example, you can join two fields together and copy them into one output field. 例如,您可以将两个字段连接在一起,然后将它们复制到一个输出字段中。
When there is an array of fields in the input or output message, certain transforms are available to perform an action on each element of an array, or to merge several input arrays into one output. 当输入或输出信息中有包含字段的数组时,可以对数组中的每个元素执行某些转换,或者将几个输入数组合并到一个输出中。
Document-centered style allows, at most, one input and one output. 文件中心样式最多允许一个输入和一个输出。
Now that you've seen the XForms input controls ( and one output control), you can look at the different submission actions. 现在介绍了各种XForms输入控件(和一个输出控件),下面来看看各种不同的提交动作。
The OUT_LANGUAGE procedure expects one output parameter of type char. OUTLANGUAGE过程需要一个char类型的输出参数。
Partial one output signal 半选1输出信号
Name translation: Input name mapped to more than one output name. 名称转换:输入名称映射到多个输出名称。
Specify at least one output option ( either broadcast or file) before continuing. 先至少指定一个输出选项(广播或文件),然后继续。
Represents a Join transition requiring two or more input transitions and one output transition. 表示一个连接转换,要求有两个或更多输入转换和一个输出转换。
This relay connects one input to one output. 该继电器将一个输入连接到一个输出。
There should be one output line for each input line. 每行输入对应一行输出。
If the combinational logic circuit is only one output, called the single-output combinational logic circuit; 如果组合逻辑电路只有一个输出,称为单输出组合逻辑电路;
A data processing operation in which input items or fields are distributed or duplicated in more than one output item or field. 一种数据处理操作,其中输入项或字段被分发或复制给多个输出项或字段。
AND GATE, A device or circuit with two or more inputs of binary digital inFORMation and one output. 与门,一种有两个或两个以上的二进位数字信息输人,一个输出的装置或电路。
A circuit with several inputs but only one output that can be activated by particular combinations of inputs. 有几个入口和一个出口的由几个特殊入口组合的有活性的电路。
Select at least one output option ( for example, server, port, or file). 至少选择一个输出选项(例如服务器、端口或文件)。
The lock output relay requires only one output for each card reader to grant access to the tailgate system and unlock the door. 锁定输出继电器要求每个读卡器只能向挡板系统输出一个出入信号且打开大门。